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How to Prepare for Your Mulch Delivery

June 6, 2024

Mulch is an essential material used to fertilize and protect a landscape. People may use it around designated plants to protect tree roots or fertilize gardens. Not only does it protect the plants, but a new layer of mulch is also aesthetically pleasing. You may have decided on mulch delivery if you wanted to protect your property while increasing curbside appeal. Here are ways to prepare for your mulch delivery.

Decide the Type You Need

There are different types of mulch to consider based on your needs. The main types of mulch include natural mulch, jet black mulch, red mulch, and dyed brown mulch. These types of mulch come from natural materials like wood chips, birch, or straw. When choosing the best variety for your home, you need to consider your purpose for using it. Whether it is aesthetic appeal or soil insulation, a professional will be able to assist in identifying the mulch your property needs.

Choose Where You Will Spread It

Once you realize what type of mulch is right for your property, you should be sure exactly where you plan to spread it. Do you have several trees on your property whose roots you want to protect? If so, count the number of trees and ensure you're ordering enough mulch to cover all of them. Also, note if you have a small or large garden you're looking to fertilize. Being clear on where you spread this material can ensure that you order enough material for your home.

Do Proper Site Clearance

Before you spread the mulch, the area you plan to use should be as clear as possible. Check designated areas for signs of weeds and older mulch. Get rid of debris such as old leaves, shrubs, trash, and other waste. After all, you want your new mulch to have a fresh start to do its job of fertilizing and protecting plant roots in the soil.

Provide Access for Delivery

When the delivery truck arrives, you don't want them to have issues arriving at your spot. Make sure there's a clear space in your driveway or area in front of your home. They should have clear access to bring it to your property. If there are pets, such as anxious dogs, in your home, you may want to put them in the back until the delivery truck leaves. The most common places for a mulch delivery include your driveway, near the landscaping project, or in a designated storage area.

Make Room in Storage Space

Do you plan to use all of your mulch immediately? If not, make sure you have a designated space to store the rest. You may store it in your garage or outdoor shed. Wherever you store it, make sure you can protect your mulch from the elements. This will make sure it's preserved well until you decide to use it again.

Prepare for Spreading

Now comes the fun part. Now that everything is clear, and you have your mulch delivery, you can get ready to spread your new mulch. It's now time to spread the mulch in a designated area you set aside. According to our professionals, you should layer it about two to four inches deep. To achieve a smooth distribution, if you're applying it across the land, use a shovel or rake for the task and remove any lumps before finishing. If you're not sure how to do this, you can always have landscapers or someone else more experienced help you. According to Home Depot, you should hold off on watering at least 24 to 48 hours after mulch installation, especially if it's colored mulch. Taking these tips into consideration when you get your mulch delivery will make the process simple.

Quality mulch adds life, vibrancy, fertilization, and protection to your property, especially your gardens. Taking the time to understand how to receive a mulch delivery and install it is essential. If you are looking to get started with a mulch delivery, look no further than Belli Contracting Co. We have been handling mulch and topsoil deliveries in our community for years. Our team works to provide quality
mulch delivery in the New York area. Contact us today for mulch delivery, so you can start your spring and summer garden.

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